
11日 12月 2015
Kanimiso Kanzume is made from boiling the remains of snow crabs with a touch of sweet seasoning. It is great for yourself or as a souvenir for anyone who enjoys drinking Japanese sake or wine.
Our company Tentatsu has another enjoyable food by the name of _Kanimiso Kanzume_ . It is made from boiling the remains of snow crabs with a touch of sweet seasoning. Once mixed with the delicious seasoning, it is boiled at both a high temperature and pressure to seal in the flavor before it is canned. At the reasonable price of 550 Japanese yen per 60 gram package, Kanimiso Kanzume is great for yourself or as a souvenir for anyone who enjoys drinking Japanese sake or wine. It also has over a 1...
25日 11月 2015
天たつのカニ身入り蟹ミソ缶詰はズワイガニの身と味噌を合わせて作る、常温で1年以上日持ちのする酒の肴としておすすめの珍味です。 天たつのカニ身入りかにみそ缶詰は新鮮なズワイガニをボイルしてほぐした蟹身、甘みのある味に調味したズワイガニのカニミソ、とを合わせて缶に詰め高温高圧でじっくりと缶詰に仕立てた一品です。...